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 INTRODUCTION I am Dinithi Imasha Edirisingha (BM/2020/359), and I am an undergraduate  at the University of Kelaniya. I am pursuing a Bache...


I am Dinithi Imasha Edirisingha (BM/2020/359), and I am an undergraduate at the University of Kelaniya. I am pursuing a Bachelor of Business Management Honours degree in Digital Marketing within the Faculty of Commerce and Management Studies. This e-portfolio has been created for the requirements of the completion of the DELT 31522 – English for Commerce and Management Professionals course. 

1st Week Post

 WEEK 1  (4th of April)

Working Culture

I flourish in a working culture that values collaboration, creativity, and persistent learning. A supportive environment where group individuals communicate straightforwardly, share thoughts, and regard differing points of view cultivates development and growth. Adaptability and work-life adjustment are basic, guaranteeing everybody can perform at their best. Acknowledgment and openings for improvement keep inspiration high. This comprehensive and dynamic culture not as it were drives victory but moreover makes a satisfying and rousing work environment.

Reflective writing

This week I learned about organizational cultures and how to properly make CV and a resume. I identified several working cultures that I like, and I want adapt and work collaboratively each other. I learned how to design professional updated CV and Resume. And I thought it is opportunity to design best CV in future.

2nd Week Post

 WEEK 2 (25th of April)


A.P.K. Prabath

Hiring Manager

223, A Gamunu Street,

Colombo 3.

20th May 2024


Dear Mr. Prabath,

I am writing to express my enthusiastic interest in the marketing coordinator position at MiHCM as advertised.

With a strong background in marketing, A passion for data-driven strategies, digital marketing campaigns. I am excited about the opportunity to contribute to your dynamic team.

My experience in creating website content, managing e-mail marketing campaigns, social media marketing campaigns and overseeing lead generation activities has honed my ability to communicate campaigns objectives timelines and deliverables effectively to sales team and other stakeholders.

Incredible subtle elements of my achievement and accomplishment can be found in the CV that came attached with this letter.

 If you feel I have the potential that you are looking for in candidate at that point if it's not too much trouble do not delay to contact me to organize an interview.

Thank you for considering my application.


Your sincerely,

E.A.D.I. Edirisingha



 Reflective Writing

I identified how to write a professional cover letter and structure of a cover letter. I learnt a new trend of video CV and how to make a video CV. When we are making a video CV we have to present it very well. I learned some tips on how to present in the video CV by watched the example video.


3rd Week Post

 WEEK 3 (3rd May)

 Look at an extract taken from a student’s internship report. There are some grammatical problems in the writing. These are bolt. Discuss these with a partner and find different ways of correcting these errors. Write your corrections down in your notebooks and get feedback from your lecture.

 2.4: Skill Development

 During the three months (450 hours) of internship period at the XXXXXX,(1) I developed the following skills necessary for any job in the competitive job market.

 Simultaneous work-and-study skills:

The internship program (2) made me explore my potential and ability to work and study (3) simultaneously. I previously believed that I could not take work and study side by side. But my internship program helped me develop and enhance these skills.

Communication skill

(4) The internship program helped me improve my communication skills up to a professional level, in both writing and speaking. During this period, I observed and learnt from other co-workers (5) how to communicate with customers (6) in an attractive way. In addition, during conflicts, I learned (7) how to manage and communicate in a calm and respectful and also polite manner. I developed (8) more professional writing skills such as (9) official letter writing, memo writing, request letter writing, and audit report writing.

Reflective Writing

In that day I understood what the internship record book is and how to main- tain it properly. I identified the two main writing methods of when we can use completing our record book. And I clearly identified internship report structure and we saw the examples of internship log book and reports.


4th Week Post

WEEK 4 (9th May) 

Reflective Writting

We discussed what is the academic research and how to collect information for our assignments and academic research. I learnt what are the resources when we do an academic activity. I thought when I will do an assignments I will try to use scholarly books and articles and other magazines. In this part of my academic journey, I've picked up a really important skill breaking down assignment instructions to make sure I know exactly what I need to do. It's all about carefully analyzing the task and understanding the instruction words, topic words, and limiting words.

5th Week Post

 WEEK 5 (16th of May)

Reflective Writing 

I learned what is a journal article and what are the main components of journal articles. We referred to some journal articles and I identified the main components. When we look at the examples, we can remember it easily. And I learned how to write and read journal articles effectively. I thought when we do an assignment, I should try to refer to a minimum of 3 to 5 journal articles. I identified developing a search strategy involves identifying key topic words, selecting suitable information sources like online databases, books, and peer-reviewed journals, and crafting effective search terms and strings for comprehensive research.

6th Week Post

 WEEK 6 (30th of May)

Speaking anxiety at university level causes and solutions.

Speaking anxiety is a prevalent issue among university students, often hindering their academic and social success. Understanding its causes and finding effective solutions is critical for enhancing student performance and well-being. This essay explores speaking anxiety at the university level by analyzing research findings and proposing practical solutions.

Several factors contribute to speaking anxiety among university students. The first primary cause is fear of negative evaluation, where students worry excessively about being judged by peers and instructors. According to a study by Horwitz, Horwitz, and Cope (1986), the fear of negative evaluation is a significant component of communication apprehension, leading to heightened anxiety during public speaking situations. 

Another cause is a lack of self-confidence and perceived speaking competence. Students who doubt their ability to articulate thoughts clearly and effectively are more likely to experience anxiety. A study by MacIntyre and Gardner (1994) highlights that low self-perceived competence correlates strongly with higher levels of speaking anxiety. This lack of confidence can stem from previous negative experiences or insufficient practice in public speaking.

Cultural factors also play a role. International students or those from non-English speaking backgrounds may feel additional pressure and anxiety due to language barriers and unfamiliar cultural norms. Research by Woodrow (2006) indicates that second language learners experience higher anxiety levels, exacerbating their fear of speaking in academic settings.

Tending to talk uneasiness requires a multifaceted approach. One viable procedure is cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), which makes a difference understudies reframe negative considerations and create a more positive state of mind towards open talking. Concurring to Pertaub, Slater, and Barker (2002), CBT strategies, such as precise desensitization and positive visualization, essentially diminish talking uneasiness by slowly uncovering people to talking circumstances and making a difference them construct certainty.

Another solution is the implementation of skills training programs focused on public speaking. These programs can provide students with the necessary tools and techniques to improve their speaking abilities. A study by Behnke and Sawyer (2001) found that systematic public speaking training, including practice sessions and constructive feedback, helps reduce anxiety by increasing students' familiarity with speaking tasks and boosting their self-confidence.

Furthermore, skill development is essential. Horwitz et al. (1986) argue that providing students with specific strategies for effective communication, such as organizing their thoughts, practicing relaxation techniques, and using visual aids, can significantly reduce anxiety. Workshops and training sessions focused on public speaking skills can empower students and enhance their confidence.

Lastly, integrating technology can offer innovative solutions. Virtual reality (VR) platforms, for instance, provide immersive environments where students can practice speaking in front of a virtual audience. A study by Slater et al. (2006) demonstrated that VR practice sessions can reduce anxiety by allowing students to simulate real-life speaking situations in a controlled and safe environment.

Speaking anxiety at the university level is a complex issue influenced by fear of negative evaluation, lack of self-confidence, and cultural factors. Effective solutions include cognitive-behavioral therapy, public speaking training programs, and creating supportive classroom environments. By addressing these factors, universities can help students overcome speaking anxiety, leading to improved academic performance and personal development.


Dewaele, J.-M. (2013). The link between foreign language classroom anxiety and psychoticism, extraversion, and neuroticism among adult bi- and multilinguals. The Modern Language Journal, 97(3), 670-684.

Horwitz, E. K., Horwitz, M. B., & Cope, J. (1986). Foreign language classroom anxiety. The Modern Language Journal, 70(2), 125-132.

MacIntyre, P. D., & Gardner, R. C. (1991). Methods and results in the study of anxiety and language learning: A review of the literature. Language Learning, 41(1), 85-117.

Reflective Writing 

It is evident that maintaining academic integrity is crucial for honest and responsible scholarship. I identified how to apply in APA References properly. And I learned what are the main components of applying APA references. Proper referencing and citation not only support your arguments but also give due credit to original authors, fostering a culture of trust and respect in academia.

7th Week Post

 WEEK 7 ( 6th of June)


1.     Participants in the study indicated that a friendly and informal classroom setting reduces anxiety. They felt less stressed and anxious in environments that prioritize collaborative activities between teachers and students.                                                                                                                      

2.     Language learners experience fear due to concerns about looking awkward, foolish, or incompetent in front of their peers or others. Because of this fear of making mistakes, some learners find learning and speaking a foreign language in the classroom to be consistently problematic.


 Reflective Writing

I explored paraphrasing and quoting, emphasizing the importance of correctly understanding and conveying original meanings in our words. I practiced paraphrasing and learned to use synonyms effectively. Additionally, I examined APA referencing styles for in-text citations and reference list entries. We also discussed the use of reporting words for citing other authors’ ideas in presentations and written assignments. I need to improve my ability to seamlessly integrate paraphrased content with my own ideas and ensure accurate and consistent citation across different referencing styles. Further practice in oral presentation skills would also be beneficial.

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